Shipping and delivery policy

Nominal Shipping Charges are applicable as per the weight of the package and delivery location. You will be able to view applicable shipping charges on the product page, before you buy a product, by selecting your location of delivery.

Orders on our website are currently only for delivery within India, for delivery outside India we request you to call/whatsapp on +91 99989 43299 due to custom shipping charges.

Your personal informaion may be shared with our delivery partners to ensure smooth delivery.

We ensure excellent and secure packaging of all the products shipped by us, so that you get your garments/ purchases in perfect condition. However, if you ever receive your parcel in a tampered condition, we request you to first take a few clear pictures of the tampered package, before opening it further. Please mail these images to [email protected] at the earliest, mentioning order details. We will try our best to resolve the issue, if possible.

We try our best you ship your purchase as fast as possible but shipping time is subject to many external factors, we do not take any responsibility for late delivery of your product.